Top 7 Branding Agencies in Vietnam

June 16

Understanding Your Branding Needs

The Vietnamese business landscape is thriving, and a strong brand is crucial for achieving success. This is where branding agencies in Vietnam come in. These specialists offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to cultivate, refine, and elevate your brand identity.

At the core, branding agencies function as strategic partners, combining creativity, design expertise, and marketing prowess to build or revitalize your brand. They can assist in launching a brand entirely new, ensuring it gains recognition and visibility within your target market.

Need a brand refresh? Top agencies in Vietnam can craft a new image that connects with your target audience and boosts your reputation. They’re experts at rebranding, ensuring your brand stays relevant and stands out from the competition. Partnering with a skilled Vietnamese branding agency gives you the support to effectively tell your brand story and reach your business goals.

What Makes a Great Branding Agency in Vietnam?

Branding agencies in Vietnam are strategic partners who wield a powerful combination: business acumen, consumer psychology, and communication expertise. Their role is to illuminate your brand’s core values and position your business for success in a dynamic marketplace. They achieve this through a multi-faceted approach.

The Cornerstones of Effective Branding

Top Vietnamese branding agencies excel in several key areas:

  • Unveiling Your Target Audience: Through meticulous market research, they gather valuable insights on your ideal customers and your competitors. By analyzing market trends and industry shifts, they craft brand strategies with long-term viability and relevance.
  • Forging Your Brand Identity: Their expertise lies in defining your brand’s core essence – its purpose, mission, vision, and values. This translates into a compelling brand story that resonates with your target audience.
  • Building a Cohesive Brand Image: A holistic brand identity is meticulously crafted, encompassing the creation of a name, voice, and logo that seamlessly align with your business, target market, and industry.
  • Sharpening Your Competitive Edge: These agencies go beyond mere differentiation. They strategically position your brand to stand out from the crowd while maintaining authenticity and relevance.
  • Fueling Brand Advocacy: Effective branding goes beyond simply running ads. Top agencies understand the entire sales funnel and design targeted campaigns that nurture leads from initial awareness all the way to brand loyalty.

By partnering with a skilled branding agency in Vietnam, you gain a strategic ally who can illuminate your brand’s potential and propel it towards long-term success.

Top Branding Firms in Vietnam

1. ONextDigital

branding agencies in Vietnam

ONEXT DIGITAL goes beyond crafting exceptional web and mobile applications. They assist businesses in establishing a strong brand presence through strategic branding and design services. Their team of highly skilled professionals collaborates closely with clients to develop a unique brand identity that resonates with target audiences.

Whether you require a complete brand overhaul or refreshing existing marketing materials, ONEXT DIGITAL offers a comprehensive suite of services. This includes web design that aligns with your brand image, branding that captures your essence, and marketing design that effectively conveys your message. Additionally, their app design expertise ensures a visually appealing and user-friendly mobile presence that complements your overall brand identity.

2. AJ Marketing

branding agencies in Vietnam

AJ Marketing steps beyond the realm of a typical agency, positioning itself as a collaborative companion. Their mission is to bridge the gap between your brand and a vast audience exceeding a billion people. They achieve this through strategic influencer partnerships, leveraging cutting-edge AI advertising technology, and prioritizing a smooth and stress-free experience for their clients. Their expertise extends across a multitude of Asian markets, including Vietnam.

3. X-DMAIC Digital

branding agencies in Vietnam

X-DMAIC Digital takes a results-oriented approach, blending the power of Data Management with the art of Marketing (DMAIC). This unique method empowers them to clearly define your brand objectives, meticulously gather and analyze campaign data, and pinpoint areas for improvement. Their unwavering commitment translates to impressive and measurable results, with a focus on optimizing campaigns, amplifying brand awareness, and driving sales.

4. Bear Plus

branding agencies in Vietnam

Bear Plus, an award-winning agency with a presence in Vietnam, crafts customized solutions that prioritize user experience. Their expertise encompasses UX/UI design, comprehensive website development, branding creation, and software/SaaS development. This well-rounded approach ensures your brand message resonates, marketing goals are achieved, and the final product is visually stunning.

5. Gravity Global

branding agencies in Vietnam

Gravity Global stands out as a forward-thinking marketing agency dedicated to crafting not just fleeting trends, but enduring brand experiences. Their team comprises diverse talents who unearth hidden possibilities within the marketing landscape, fostering impactful solutions that stand the test of time. Their collaborative spirit is evident in their network of offices spanning Houston, Dallas, Denver, Los Angeles, Buenos Aires, and even Nha Trang, Vietnam, ensuring a truly global perspective for their clients.

6. xolve branding

xolve branding

Ho Chi Minh City-based xolve branding is a strategic design and branding studio on a mission to transform businesses and the cultures they cultivate. Their team embodies a spirit of creative exploration, fueled by a constant thirst for strategic, branding, and communication knowledge. Their expertise lies in helping brands stand out in an oversaturated market by crafting clear brand purpose, captivating visuals, and compelling narratives.

7. What’zhat Agency

What'zhat Agency

With over a decade of experience, What’zhat has honed a robust design process that ensures they consistently exceed client expectations. They take pride in creating clear and effective design solutions – a philosophy they extend by offering design training and actively involving clients throughout the creative journey.

What’zhat’s comprehensive branding services encompass everything from logo development and brand guideline creation to the design of branded print materials like brochures, packaging, and business cards. Additionally, their expertise extends to web design, with a strong focus on user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design.


Don’t just blend in, stand out! Vietnam’s branding landscape is thriving, and ONextStudio can help you make a lasting impression. Our expertise in branding and marketing design ensures your brand identity is not only visually stunning but strategically crafted to resonate with local audiences. Let ONextStudio be your partner in building a brand that captures the hearts and minds of Vietnamese consumers. Contact us today.