Modern Website Design: 7 Best Practices of 2024

February 5

Modern website design is an important factor that influences the success of any online business. A well-designed website can attract, engage, and convert visitors into customers. However, modern website design trends change over time, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Therefore, it is essential to keep up with the latest developments and best practices in website design. In this article, we will share with you seven of the best modern website design practices that you should follow in 2024. These practices will help you create a website that is:

  • User-friendly and accessible
  • Fast and responsive
  • Visually appealing and memorable
  • SEO-optimized and high-ranking
  • Functional and effective

1. Use Minimalism and Simplicity

One of the most popular and effective website design practices is to use minimalism and simplicity. This means reducing the amount of elements and content on your website, and focusing on the essentials. Minimalism and simplicity can help you achieve several benefits, such as:

  • Improving the readability and clarity of your website
  • Enhancing the user experience and satisfaction of your website
  • Increasing the loading speed and performance of your website
  • Highlighting your brand identity and value proposition

To apply minimalism and simplicity to your website design, you should follow these tips:

  • Use a simple and consistent color scheme, preferably with no more than three colors
  • Use a simple and legible font style, preferably with no more than two fonts
  • Use white space and contrast to create a clear hierarchy and focus
  • Use icons and graphics to convey information and emotions
  • Use short and concise copy to communicate your message and call to action.

2. Use Animation and Interactivity

Another website design practice that can make your website stand out and engage your visitors is to use animation and interactivity. This means adding motion and interaction to your website elements, such as images, text, buttons, and forms. Animation and interactivity can help you achieve several benefits, such as:

  • Grabbing the attention and interest of your visitors
  • Creating a dynamic and immersive experience for your visitors
  • Providing feedback and guidance to your visitors
  • Encouraging action and conversion from your visitors

To apply animation and interactivity to your website design, you should follow these tips:

  • Use subtle and smooth animations that enhance your website, not distract from it
  • Use hover, scroll, and click effects to add interactivity and functionality to your website
  • Use transitions and loaders to create a seamless and fluid experience for your website
  • Use micro-interactions and gamification to reward and motivate your visitors.

3. Use Typography and Color

Another website design practice that can make your website unique and memorable is to use typography and color. This means choosing and combining fonts and colors that reflect your brand personality and style. Typography and color can help you achieve several benefits, such as:

  • Creating a visual identity and impression for your website
  • Evoking emotions and associations for your website
  • Differentiating your website from your competitors
  • Reinforcing your message and call to action

To apply typography and color to your website design, you should follow these tips:

  • Use fonts that are legible, readable, and compatible with your website
  • Use colors that are harmonious, contrasting, and complementary with your website
  • Use typography and color to create contrast and hierarchy on your website
  • Use typography and color to express your brand voice and tone on your website.

4. Use Video and Multimedia

Another website design practice that can make your website attractive and persuasive is to use video and multimedia. This means adding video, audio, and other media content to your website, such as images, illustrations, and icons. Video and multimedia can help you achieve several benefits, such as:

  • Showing and telling your story and value proposition
  • Demonstrating your products and services
  • Providing social proof and testimonials
  • Boosting your SEO and conversion rates

To apply video and multimedia to your website design, you should follow these tips:

  • Use high-quality and relevant video and multimedia content that supports your website
  • Use video and multimedia content that is short and engaging, not long and boring
  • Use video and multimedia content that is optimized and responsive for different devices and browsers
  • Use video and multimedia content that has captions, transcripts, and alt text for accessibility.

5. Use Mobile and Responsive Design

Another website design practice that can make your website accessible and user-friendly is to use mobile and responsive design. This means designing your website to adapt and adjust to different screen sizes and devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Mobile and responsive design can help you achieve several benefits, such as:

  • Reaching and serving a wider and diverse audience
  • Improving the user experience and satisfaction of your website
  • Increasing the loading speed and performance of your website
  • Enhancing your SEO and ranking on search engines

To apply mobile and responsive design to your website design, you should follow these tips:

  • Use a flexible and fluid layout that can resize and reposition your website elements
  • Use media queries and breakpoints to change the style and behavior of your website elements
  • Use images and videos that are scalable and responsive for different devices and browsers
  • Use touch-friendly and finger-friendly elements, such as buttons, menus, and forms.

6. Use SEO and Performance

Another website design practice that can make your website visible and high-ranking is to use SEO and performance. This means optimizing your website for search engines, such as Google and Bing, and for users, such as speed and usability. SEO and performance can help you achieve several benefits, such as:

  • Increasing your organic traffic and reach
  • Targeting your ideal audience and keywords
  • Outranking your competitors and gaining an edge
  • Measuring your performance and results

To apply SEO and performance to your website design, you should follow these tips:

  • Use relevant and descriptive titles, headings, and meta tags for your website and webpages
  • Use keywords and synonyms strategically and naturally in your website content and code
  • Use internal and external links to create a network of pages and sources for your website
  • Use images and videos with alt text and captions for your website
  • Use responsive and fast-loading design for your website
  • Use analytics and tools to monitor and improve your website.

7. Use User Experience and Accessibility

Another website design practice that can make your website satisfying and inclusive is to use user experience and accessibility. This means designing your website for users, not for yourself, and for all users, not just for some. User experience and accessibility can help you achieve several benefits, such as:

  • Enhancing the user experience and satisfaction of your website
  • Increasing the user involvement and retention of your website
  • Encouraging the user action and conversion of your website
  • Expanding the user diversity and inclusion of your website

To apply user experience and accessibility to your website design, you should follow these tips:

  • Use clear and consistent labels, buttons, and icons for your website elements
  • Use contrast and hierarchy to draw attention to important elements on your website
  • Use feedback and guidance to help users complete their actions on your website
  • Use simple and intuitive forms and menus for your website
  • Use accessibility features, such as keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, and color contrast ratio for your website.


By following these modern website design practices of 2024, you can create a website that is user-friendly, fast, and memorable. However, you don’t have to do it alone. You can get help from ONextStudio, a web design agency that provides a range of services such as web design, branding, and marketing design. We can help you create a website that meets your goals and expectations. Contact us today.